Essentially, contemporary art is cutting edge. Conceptually it stirs up norms or may adhere to them in the most patronizing way. Either way, it gets the wheels turning. Fiscally, it is often times too expensive and risky of an investment for the average fine art collector, leaving the playing field open to Fortune Global 500 corporations and billionaire art collectors. Part of the lure of Damien Hirst is that he is essentially a brand from embalmed and encased animals on the high end, fine art auction/gallery level to jeans and poster prints that flirt with the less fortunate art appreciators and aspiring collectors. Hirst has created such a name for himself that he not only has the attention of current pop culture but every current reputable art forum perceives him as being one of the most powerful and influential artists on the contemporary art market if not history.
Here’s a brief recap of previous record sale holders:
Lucian Freud: $33.6 million (Christie's New York)

Jeff Koons: $23.6 million (Sotheby's New York)

Damien Hirst: $19.1 million (Sotheby's London)

-Anne Zakaras
MIR Appraisal Services, Inc.